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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Career Crush: Betsy Burnham

photo via Design Sp*onge
One Sunday, I went to my little nail salon at the end of our street and noticed a very familiar, very chic blonde woman sitting two chairs over from me. It took me about 2.5 seconds to realize it was Betsy Burnham of Burnham Designs. To say she is amazing would be a total understatement, so I won't even go there. I adore her work, and I'd go so far as to say she is the reason I decided to pursue design as a career. Sometimes I literally say to myself, "What would Betsy do?" Seriously. Look at these rooms! 

I think this one is her office:

 I mean, would you just die to have this closet??

Her pattern mixing is so gorgeous and bold. Oh, snakeskin bathroom mirror, how I love thee...

Anyway, I was completely star struck and felt like the quiet nail spa wasn't the place to say hello. Also, I'm just a big chicken in general. So exciting for a design geek like me, though!


All images except for top bio are from Burnham Design.

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